Words are all I have
Blogging can get addictive. And there's a whole lot of things(and words) floating around in the
mind that I wish I can put down.. Yet, they are all so disparate and nothing
that could be termed as an entirety by itself to pen down.. !
So today, me decided that I'll put down such words that have been whirring in my mind
for a couple of days now, also words that I would garnered frm my daily perusals
of all and sundry, words I would have listened to and picked up from TV,
from inane conversations and anything else in general.. which I fancy using sometime..
What a colossal waste of time ! Should be the most blase blog ever :)
panegyric , gerrymander, genuflect, caboodle, Chrysanthemum, schizy,
rigamarole, crescendo, kamikaze, sniper, cahoots, conniving, chutzpah,
aura, panache, flair, genteel, gauze, zealot, machination, mumble,
schnitzel, scrawny, tweed, prude, lobotomy, aneurism, sashay,
twerp, avast, scurvy, absolute, perturbed, profligacy,
punter, quack, platoon, kaplunk/kerplunk, colloidal, Kruger,
wishlist, winged, warmonger, Riposte, repartee, ruckus..
Enough !
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