Sunday, March 06, 2005

Sun Champa, Sun Thara, Koi Jeetha, Koi Haara...Its just another manic Monday..

Que Sera Sera, whatever shall be, shall be..
Though impractical, its nice to become myopic and cry sour grapes
for a short while, as you try and pursue all lines of thinking
and arrive at the same conclusion, thus vindicating that the
grapes are indeed sour, bitter and I am better off for not
getting them... :)) Huli draakshi, thu..

Today's mood :
nonplussed, digressive, go for pot,turmoil within,
meandering mind.. all effective tools for the devil's workshop.
A possible outcome of a kinda hectic weekend ??

Nothing to do yet today, will read Notes to Myself again, its bailed me
out of such quagmires before. And also reproduce a few here, cos I have
all the time ! Hugh Prather has proven to be an alter ego for millions !

"When I see I am doing it wrong there is a part of me that wants to
keep on doing it the same way anyway and even starts looking for
reasons to justify the continutation."

" Just when I think I have learned the way to live, life changes
and I am left the same as I began. The more things change the more I
am the same. It appears that my life is a constant irony of maturity
and regression, but my sense of progress is based on the illusion that
things out there are going to remain the same and that, at last, I have
gained a little control. But there will never be means to ends, only means.
And I am means. I am what I started with, and when it all over I will be
all that is left to me"

" There are occasions when I talk to a man who is riding high on some recent insight or triumph, and for the moment life probably seems to him
to have no problems. But I just don't believe that most people are
living the smooth,controlled trouble-free existence that their careful
countenances and bland words suggest. Today never hands me the same thing
twice and I believe that for most everyone else life is also a mixture
of unsolved problems,ambiguous victories and vague defeats - with very few
moments of clear peace. I never do seem to quite get on top of it.
My struggle with today is worthwhile, but it is a struggle nevertheless
and one I will never finish"

" Why do I judge my day by how much I have accomplished"

" As I look back on life, one of the most constant and powerful things that I have experienced within myself is the desire to be more than I am at
the moment - an unwillingness to let myself remain where I am - a desire
to increase the boundaries of myself - a desire to do more, learn more,
express more- a desire to grow, improve, accomplish, expand. I used to
interpret this inner push as meaning that there was some one thing
out there I wanted to do do or be or have. And I have spent too much
of my life trying to find it. But now I know that this energy within me
is seeking more than the mate or the profession or the religion, more even
than the pleasure or power of meaning. It it seeking out more of me ;
or better, it is, thank God, flushing more out of me. "

"Eloquence is sometimes lyrical, sometimes powerful, but always an
overstatement and always a projection"

And lots more...

But I need to stop .. for I just learnt that tomm is a holiday
on account of Maha Shivaraatri !!
Yippe, Tweedledum, Tweedledee is out, I am cherubic,cheerful,
chivalrous, a lot more.. Aha, the vicissitudes of life and the
simple pleasures that change me !


At Tuesday, March 08, 2005 6:50:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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